Nembeza Wesive

Eswatini Anti-Corruption Commission


The corruption prevention component mandates the Commission to take necessary measures to prevent all forms of corruption in the country, with particular emphasis in public and private bodies. In particular, S. 10(1)(a) of the Act gives the Commission the mandate to examine the practices and procedures of public and private bodies in order to facilitate the discovery of corrupt practices and secure the revision of their methods of work or procedures which, in the opinion of the Commissioner, may be prone or conducive to corrupt practices. 

The Commission is also mandated to advise public and private bodies on the ways and means of preventing corrupt practices, and on changes in the practices. 

 An exercise in corruption prevention may be initiated as a result of:-

(a)  A report received or gathered by an officer of the Commission

(b)  A recommendation arising out of research or investigation

(c)  A request from an individual or a public or private body

(d)   A recommendation arising out of a Complaints Review Committee decision. 

A corruption risk assessment will then be proposed to the public or private body then the exercise will be undertaken.


Vetting Process for Public Entities

 During the year under review, the Commission was entrusted with a responsibility by Government to conduct vetting for public bodies. The Commission has received several requests from Ministries for vetting of candidates nominated into public Boards. Vetting was then conducted and Ministries advised accordingly.